
from a Christian perspective

Wickered Words

Jun 4th 2023

But Satan explained what he really meant and what he should have said to be clear, and Eve said, “Well, Okay then.”And she took a big bite from the fruit. And then smiling, she handed it to Adam, stan … read more

Genesis 6:1-4: Why not live for it all?

May 29th 2023

Genesis 6:1-4 (NIV) 1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them th … read more

Go ye into all the world, . .

May 25th 2023

Mark 16: 15 KJV . . . and preach the gospel to every creature.Yes, you know this one. It was written to the Church, but it was spoken to eleven of the disciples as they sat eating after having not b … read more

Hallelujah, the perfect praise!

May 23rd 2023

You alone are Lord, and I yield to You.I yield my voice in prayer to You.Speak what You will through me.And if it be Your will that I know what is spoken, so be it.And if it be Your will that I not kn … read more


May 19th 2023

My enemies (really Your enemies who know they are powerless before You and therefore target me as a way of hurting You) have developed intricate devices to entice me to stray from following Your word. … read more